Pregnancy isn’t all fun and games. Even the hopes and dreams of having a child can be overshadowed by serious bouts of morning sickness that make food poisoning seem pleasant. At least it is short lived, whereas for many pregnant mothers morning sickness can last 3 months or even more! In fact, some women experience nausea throughout pregnancy, making it difficult to eat, work, or enjoy the miracle that is pregnancy.
For many women, morning sickness is the first sign of pregnancy. Even before they miss their period, they suffer the annoying effects of food intolerance that can make just the smell of foods intolerable. While it is dubbed morning sickness, it doesn’t always occur in the morning. Many women experience it in the morning, in the afternoon or even in the evening before bedtime. The most common cure prescribed by folk remedies and your doctor is to keep saltines and some soda for sipping on hand.
Morning sickness is caused by hormonal imbalances that occur naturally with pregnancy. Many doctors believe that a morning sickness is a good sign of a healthy pregnancy, indicating that your Hcg levels are increasing rapidly. However, if you don’t experience morning sickness, you shouldn’t worry every women is different. Along with that, your estrogen and progesterone levels are soaring to all time highs that make it normal to feel a bit nauseated. These also cause some of the cravings early in pregnancy. Believe it or not, progesterone has a dramatic effect on your digestive system, and as it rises early in pregnancy, your entire body is not accustomed to it. It can cause things like diarrhea, sleepiness, morning sickness, and sensitivity to smells. Suddenly your favorite perfume or the smell of burritos may have you running for the bathroom; where you may or may not vomit.
Believe it or not, morning sickness can be problematic for some women. If you are vomiting too frequently, it can deplete you and your baby of essential nutrients vital to your prenatal health. Doctors can prescribe medications for nausea and vomiting if that occurs. Many women also have morning sickness that rears its head in the form of stomach upset, heartburn, or acid reflux. This is caused because progesterone relaxes the digestive tract. Chances are you will experience a queasy stomach or intermittent periods of diarrhea throughout your pregnancy if your sensitivity is high. You should avoid greasy foods, excessive dairy products and other foods that are heavily spiced (not necessarily hot) throughout your pregnancy. Acid reflux can have a lasting, damaging effect on the lining of the esophagus AND can cause you to feel nauseated throughout your pregnancy. Most medications for acid reflux or indigestion are safe to take while pregnant, but you should check with your doctor first.
There are other tips that will help you recover from morning sickness as well. It is advised to eat 6-8 small meals per day rather than three large meals. This makes it easier for your digestive system to process the foods and has a lesser chance of making you feel sick. Try to avoid drinking icy cold or hot beverages, which have a tendency to make morning sickness worse. If your morning sickness is truly in the morning, then you should eat a few bites of toast or crackers upon waking. If you wake up during the night to use the bathroom take a nibble on these staples as well. The key is not allowing your stomach to empty completely, which can cause you to feel even more nauseous.
Another culprit in morning sickness can be the prenatal vitamins that you are taking. Many women experience stomach upset or nausea after taking their vitamins in the morning. However, since they think they are ‘supposed’ to be sick anyways, they don’t make the connection. Prenatal vitamins can cause nausea. There is no rule that says you have to take them in the morning. You may find that taking the vitamins at nighttime with a small meal actually alleviates your morning sickness. If this doesn’t work and you are pretty certain it’s the vitamins making you ill, see if your doctor can find you a different brand that might be easier on your stomach.
For first time moms, who had this special dream of craving ice cream and pickles, morning sickness can ruin your idea of pregnancy. It definitely feels miserable. Some women find that they are late for work every morning, or that riding in a car doesn’t sit well with them. The good news is that it shouldn’t continue for too long! In fact, most women claim that morning sickness starts to disappear around the 10th week of pregnancy. As long as your sickness is not accompanied by excessive vomiting or diarrhea, you don’t have to worry about your developing baby’s health. The placenta and fetus will get all of the nutrients it needs, before you do! This may mean that you have to become creative in finding foods that sit well with you. Often, fresh vegetables and fruits are best for expectant mothers in the beginning.
Once you bid adieu to morning sickness, you will hardly remember its implications. It may return in the last trimester, especially as you near your due date but not to the same extent as in the beginning of pregnancy. While you have it during this pregnancy, you may never have bouts with it again during subsequent pregnancies. When all is said and done it won’t leave much of a lasting impression on you. If you are careful about eating healthy foods, keeping yourself on a schedule so that you don’t have an empty stomach and try to avoid trigger foods or smells you will likely be able to indulge in your pickles and ice cream within just a few weeks.