Gifting as Communication – How to Give Gifts That Show You Care

Giving gifts to your loved ones isn’t merely for the holidays. You can look at gifting as a form of communication. Birthdays and important holidays provide us with opportunities to express our deepest feelings about our loved ones that words alone can’t convey.

If there’s an important celebration coming up and you want to get your friend, partner, or parent the best gift possible, check out these tips.

Key Into Their Interests

The first thing you want to do when faced with the prospect of getting a loved one a meaningful gift is to think deeply about who they are. What do they love? What are they curious about but haven’t fully explored yet? Are there any interests or experiences you share that could be alluded to in gift form?

For some, a plush set of putter coversmight be the best gift ever. For others, only handmade will do. Show them you care by spending time and effort on a gift. When you think deeply about the recipient of your gift, ideas will naturally start arising.

Give Them What They Want, Not What They Need

Sometimes a pair of nice socks or a plush new pillow is exactly what’s called for – something practical and useful.

But oftentimes, the most thoughtful gifts are the ones that engage your loved ones’ more creative pursuits. Gift them something totally unnecessary, something geared toward relaxation, fun, and creative inspiration.

They can get home and health essentials for themselves. Get them something totally fun, and totally unnecessary.

More Expensive Isn’t Always Better

Gift-giving doesn’t just give you the gratitude of having performed an act of kindness; it can actually improve your health. Research has shown that gift-giving stimulates chemical responses in the brain that can promote the growth of “feel good” chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine.

You may not make much of an impression by buying someone an expensive new watch that anyone would wear. That likely doesn’t have any personal resonance for them or for your relationship. Instead, homemade or personalized gifts that showcase your unique bond will always be better.

Handmade is King

If gift-giving is good for you, giving a hand-crafted give is even better for you. Research has proven that working with your hands on an artsy craft can help bolster mood, reduce stress, and help build self-confidence. It can also act as a natural anti-depressant, mitigating the effects of PTSD, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

What better way to show you care than to make something from scratch? Presenting a loved one with a handmade gift shows that you dedicated your time and energy to them. You didn’t just run out to the store and get something to fill a box. They’ll appreciate you for it.

Gifting is Love

Don’t think of gifting as obligatory. Think of it as an expression of love. Transform your love for your friends and families into gifts that show them you care.



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