Comments on: Taking Advantage of the Grandparents Sun, 18 Jun 2023 09:33:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachelle Shemoon Sun, 18 Jun 2023 09:33:05 +0000 Brilliant article. I am almost 70. Ihave four children all married with children who I help occassionally on my terms( more or less). One daughter expects me to be at her beck and call non stop!!!! She was living with us her husband and 2 toddlers for almost a year.I am stressed out .She never says thank you. She still asks for constant help. I feel it is all my fault as there were no bounderies from the start. She is very manipulative and if I mention anything she gets angry.My husband just goes along with her which makes me feel worse‼‼‼

By: Kelsey Fri, 09 Jun 2023 11:13:11 +0000 Before I leave my main comment, is it too late to do so? Seeing as how this article came out in 2010. Lol. First, and only article I came across that is closest to my current situation.

By: Lisa Koehn Wed, 09 Feb 2022 22:09:10 +0000 I love you! Your article couldn’t have been written more perfectly. I was looking for something that might help me get this very point across to my son and daughter-in-law in a loving manner. Thank you so much! Your parents did well with you! ❤️

By: Rocio Sat, 18 Dec 2021 23:15:17 +0000 When your nephew,uses my dad,and leaves his dog,at my dads house, and comes once,in a full moon, to take it out,and my dad 70,is always walking it,as this dog tears my dads,extra room apart..but my dad,doesn’t want to hurt my nephew by telling him,he doesn’t want the dog.. I tell my father, but he,needs to accept he is being taken advantage of..

By: granny13 Mon, 27 Sep 2021 23:10:53 +0000 Wow! I’ve lived both raising my grandkids, it became a pattern I had to stop in Jesus Name. Daughters having kids and leaving them with me. I older new grandkids and I give them my schedule & when I can so they can have free time or date night. However they rarely take me up on offer, they always ask last minute& catch me off guard. I try to get back to boundaries. I feel they should drop& pick them up, they manipulate situation by saying “you want them pick them up” I am not wealthy & have old car. Daughters & husbands make 100 thousand a year. Yes I know I am being (gransploitated)not sure it a word but grannies are in demand. but also are being exploited, taken advantage. Not just kids, its stay at my house and feed/& let dogs out. Hmm? Had to set boundary & do what was best for me. I have 2 jobs and have a house to clean, and maintain. But for sure I love being with my( grannies g-children), I do show, park, play,overnights, mcdonalds, church, home dinners, dvds, crafts and tell them about the lord.

By: Angela Y Qualls Sat, 21 Aug 2021 13:07:52 +0000 In reply to John.

Not 24/7. It is to the point with me that I am even getting up at night with the kids or watching them while my daughter. I feel more like the parent then the grandparent.
I have no time for me.

By: Sonia Joubert Sun, 14 Jul 2019 19:50:14 +0000 I think the choice is up to every individual grandparent couple. I am in a situation that me and my husband are very much involved by one of our sons 2 kids. They were put in the situation that they had to marriage because they got pregnant while they where still young. Had no money, still struggle with that. Now after 2 kids, busy divorced, our son can’t afford it we have to help. Sometimes it’s emotional and financial very hard on us but we love our son and his kids and want him to survive. Is that wrong? Our other sons wife don’t want to have anything to do with us and she keep the 2 kids away from us because she think we interfere and want to be the most important to their kids. Why do people make life so complicated. I think as a grandmother that we must do what we can for our children that we bring in this world and love one and another and love being around one another. That’s what Jesus want from us.

By: Katie Sat, 09 Feb 2019 15:41:09 +0000 My sister does this. My parents seem to be her go-to babysitters for her 3 kids. She and her husband also go away for weekend getaways at least 1-2 times per year. I feel like they’re taking advantage of my parents. And my mom would never say no (and she and my dad still work full time). My husband and I of course would love to go away for a weekend once or twice a year. But I don’t feel right about asking my parents (they had 5 of us kids of their own!) Plus, it doesn’t set a great example for the kids IMO, taking advantage of people so the moms dads can have getaways- isn’t that the temporary sacrifice you make when in the thick of child rearing? I wish the grandparents would speak up though- not only is it enabling them, it’s not fair to the rest of us siblings who don’t get to go away as often

By: John Fri, 19 Jan 2018 11:35:33 +0000 They should be babysitting.

By: Patty Mon, 31 Oct 2016 12:49:56 +0000 Good article…I’m NAnna to two beautiful grandchildren girl 2 1/2 boy 7 months have an only child daughter…if I say I can’t visit or mind children for whatever reason WWIII breaks out and the sarcasm starts.Other Grandies are overseas we are the only rellies close. I do what I can when I want…fitting in with my retired life.
