Comments on: Married But Raising the Kids Alone Mon, 07 Oct 2019 03:53:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bridgett Mayeux Mon, 07 Oct 2019 03:53:00 +0000 But they can’t be rebalanced again. Not if your husband will lose his income if he isn’t a slave to the institution. I have raised our children alone for 10 years with little help, and the help I had was paid. Because in our life, we have to pay for love. Now I live in a different state as my husband, because Stanford is a miserable institution that justifies paying medical residents 40,000 BELOW THE POVERTY LEVEL. Yes, homeless doctors living in cars. Yay end-stage capitalism! Our children have grown up with such exhaustion and hardship just because we tried to provide them a decent life. This world is cruel if you aren’t born into wealth.
