Comments on: My Cat has Blood in its Stool – What Should I Do? Tue, 08 Jun 2021 07:16:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: MsKona007 Tue, 08 Jun 2021 07:16:28 +0000 In reply to Healthycat.

Honestly dude get off the drugs! Just stumbled onto this wonderful website AFTER my cat busted out the frame of my window then went MISSING for 40+ hours now back home. My cat ate I trust to be a mouse full of parasites probably poisoned so now my cat will be seen as an Emergency at the Vet who chose me the best dog food ever! I already had the best in urinary health for my cats. Still, you’re DISTURBED to think a cat or dog will live a long healthy life if you feed them rats, birds, mice, rodents which is a prescription to live a short life. Pick the RIGHT Vet that won’t take you to the Cleaners next time! Pick Nutro Lamb/rice dog food in small bites they’ll love it more so than the dead rats all road kill you’re killing your pets with.

By: Den Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:42:12 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Hi , was it something the kitten had?
Same here ,I live in west central wi.
All 5 kittens I found out had soft stool with bright red blood bunched in one area of the stool.

By: Den Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:35:18 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Hi , was it something the kitten had?

By: Nicole Riedy Sat, 21 Mar 2020 06:58:39 +0000 I’ve got 2 cats. One all black female I’ve had since she was weaned from her mom and one shelter rescue who is male aged 11 months. I’m not sure which one of them is having the bloody stools. So I’m taking both into my vet Monday morning with the most recent bloody poo outside of the litter box. This is the second bloody poop I’ve seen but this last one had a quarter sized blood clot in it. I wish I knew which one is having the bloody stools but hopefully my vet can figure it out

By: Danika Thu, 06 Feb 2020 13:17:05 +0000 In reply to Patricia.

hi patRICIA my cat is having the same issue
he had treatment with metronidazol
blood test
WE TREAT HIM FOR deformer he play normal not loosing any weight
please let me know I’m wasting money and sleep I really don’t know what to do

By: Kim Sun, 27 May 2018 12:54:51 +0000 Our cat (male, long hair, 6 yrs, neutered, indoor only) started having issues with bloody stools. He had fecal testing done and all was negative. I did some research and found that fish can cause bowel issues for some cats, so we purchased all food, both wet and dry, with no fish. Within a couple of days there was no more blood. One time, a couple of months later, we saw some blood droplets, and the only difference in his diet had been some cat treats I had given him. Didn’t even cross my mind. They were simply treats, right? I checked and, sure enough… fish. Eliminated those immediately, and no issues since. Poor little guy.

By: TRACY Wed, 06 Dec 2017 02:42:00 +0000 I recently adopted a 6 month old kitten and now notice she has a touch of bloody stool.
The place where I adopted her from mentioned a vet said to feed her pumpkin…Canned pumpkin. I will try that again and only feed her wet food and see how she does.

By: Patricia Sun, 12 Nov 2017 15:33:51 +0000 I have a kitten she is 4 months old and since i got her she has had loose stools a with some blood in it. I’ve been to the vet a few times, the first she had worms and coccidia, got treatment for that… but continued with loose stool and blood. Took her again, more d wormers treatment, but the problem continues, stool tests, a few more times, nothing showed. She had treatment with metronidazol …. etc, etc…. anyways, she still have blood in her stool, not diarrhea, but soft stool. She was treated again with other type of dewormer and is on vet prescription diet. But the problem still there. I’ve been to different vets, just to see if i could find a reason why she continues to have that problem. But i just feel i am spending money and not having an answer. Does anyone had this kind of problem? She acts normal, plays, eat and drinks. The only thing is the blood.

By: Cat Lady Thu, 10 Aug 2017 15:12:32 +0000 Hi Wait
My cat has similar symptoms to your cat with the swollen belly and blood in the poo. I’ve googled and they say a few different things but as everyone else I don’t want to waste money at the vet as everyone does to find nothing. I have been a little short of money lately so I changed their food to a cheaper brand of both dry and wet food but I might try and give her whiskers or something better even fresh chicken. Anyone else got ideas? Im worried it could be something more serious cos she’s been doing it for a week or so. It took me a while to work out which cat it is until today and I saw her poop. I’m going to try these options first before I pay the outrages vet prices. I’ve spent $7,000 on my dog in the last 18 months and im sick of paying ridiculous prices for our beautiful fur babies. I also pay pet insurance of $50 a month. Why do vets take advantage of pet lovers? It’s cheaper for humans to get sick!!

By: joanne Lynch Sat, 22 Oct 2016 03:12:59 +0000 healthycat ….. you are clearly some sort of delusional nutcase

as a vet nurse i assure you we DONT get pallets of free food from anybody
and dont ever sell a food that would make an animal sick
you are crazy
